Hi guys,

now that I'm done with the LDAP API release and ApacheDS release, I'd
like to dedicate some time to complete Mavibot, as it's a critical part
of the server.

The current status is not exactly perfect. It's usable, but there is no
support for transaction across B-trees, which makes it as brittle as
JDBM when it comes to use it in ApacheDS (simply because an update
impact many B-Trees, so it has to be an all-or-nothing operation, which
implies a cross-B-trees transaction).

We have started to implement it in a branch (single-value) where other
changes have been applied :

- no support for multi-values (way too complex to support in this first

- no support for in-memory B-trees (not critical, makes everything more

Here is how I see transactions being implemented :

- The recordManager will be responsible for creating new transactions.

- each operation on any B-tree will require an extra parameter, the
transaction that it belongs to

- transaction will not last forever, a default timeout of 30 mins will
be used, to avoid long-lasted transactions that would make the database
grow without control (keep in mind that a read transaction holds a
revision until it's aborted, which leads to holding old pages on disk).

So bottom line, here is what an operation will looks like :

        RecordManager recordManager = new RecordManager( "MyDatabase" );

        Transaction readTransaction = recordManager.beginReadTransaction();

        BTree<Long, String> btree = recordManager.getManagedTree(
readTransaction, "MyBtree" );

        boolean hasKey = btree.haskey( 1L );

        readTransaction.abort(); // COuld have been commit();

More to come in the following weeks.

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