On 07/17/2018 12:22 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was able to cut the first Apache LDAP API 2.0 release yesterday night,
> after a dire fight with 'mvn site' (sadly, the maven javadoc 3.0.1
> plugin does not play well with the maven site 3.71 plugin, leading to
> erros while trying to generate the javadoc... I *know* we have to
> correct the API javadoc, but it's a long term effort, we have more
> important things to do atm...)

I agree, thanks for the release!

> I indtend to cut a Apache DS release based on this version, and that is
> a major release, as it includes some needed fixes on the backend.
> Hopefully, this will end those database corruption that we are facing
> for years...

>From my side it looks good. It also builds fine with Java 11-ea+22
except one test failure (testSaslGssApiBind), but works with Java 9 and
10, I'll write a separate mail about that later this week.

I'll try a last time to raise my concern regarding the new versioning
schema because ApacheDS 2.0.0.AM25 is lexically smaller than the
previous 2.0.0.M24 so I assume updates of Studio plugins within Eclispe
won't work.

> The next step would be for Studio to be released, based on those two
> major improvements. The new API will make Stduio *much* faster at
> startup, as it was parsing the schema of each existing connection using
> antlr, and that was so slow that you may have to wait a minute or more
> with a few tens of connections.

I'm in the middle of updating to Eclipse Photon and testing with Java
11, in general it looks good but it seems JNDI behaviour changed (since
Java 9) and I consider to disable the JNDI provider for Java >8 or
remove it completely. More later this week.

> Bottom line, we are in good shape, and I hope we can focus more on the
> server soon, to make it better.
> Typically, we have to work on :
> o mavibot integration: there is some work to do that requires some
> discussion, now that Mavibot transaction works, but we don't have
> removal implemented.
> o ACIs: The current system is, to say the least, cryptic. We need to get
> it improved and simplified
> o Replication: It works, but we don't know up to a point if it works
> well. Also we need to implement delta-syncrpl to lower down the
> exchanged data between servers
> o Monitoring: We don't have ways to know what's going on in teh server
> except by analysing the logs...
> o Logging: It's static (we can't change the log level while the server
> is running) and it's either not informative enough, or too verbose.
> Lots to do, but we have a good working base now.
> Anyway, first, let's get the releases out !


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