

We encountered the following issue while using Apache DS


Apache DS is intended to be used for Certificate Revocation List publishing.


When attribute (certificateRevocationList;binary) for the first time appears
in Apache DS while binary option is included, suffix ";binary" exists as
integral part of the attribute description. 

However, when considered attribute is updated, it can be noticed that
";binary" is missing (although the value of the attribute informs about
Binary Data).


I used "Edit Attribute Description" option and checked the option next to
"binary option", and could be observed that ";binary" was added to the
attribute name. 

However, as soon as I clicked on the "Finish" button, progress information
appeared about executing LDIF, and by the end of that process, ";binary" was


Screenshot is in the attachment of this e-mail, with added red-border field.
When checked, still produces no effect of adding suffix ";binary".


Furthermore, the code snippet for updating CRL is:

modificationItems.add(new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,
new BasicAttribute(getCrlAttributeType(), getCrl().getEncoded())));

//.this Collection is further used for modifying attributes

dirCtx.modifyAttributes(name, mods);


I look forward to your reply and a resolution to our problem at your most
convenient time.


Kind regards, 

Marija Mrvic 

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