Emmanuel helped me a lot when I added the new section to the wiki more than 2 years ago. The users mailing list thread carried the subject "ApacheDS 2.0.0-M23 non-gui adding a partition".

I am slowly working my way through migration of my ubuntu 16.04 LTS i386 apacheds M23 production system to an ubuntu 18.04 LTS amd64 AM25 platform. I won't bore you with my war stories, but I intend to reflect some of my lessons learnt in the wiki.

I've had a painful and frustrating time trying to follow my own instructions in the wiki! Eventually, I realised my M23 partition was working fine /even though/ its ads-contextentry value has always been completely wrong! I haven't investigated how this might have happened, but I want to be sure the new partition I create on my AM25 system is correct.

I have created a series of scripts and crib sheets to document clearly how the ads-contextentry base64 hash has been generated for the example partition. However, I now realise I am not 100% clear how to create a valid base64 for my own partition.

By carefully hashing 4 specific lines of the example root entry I can generate the correct hash. These lines are:

dn: dc=example,dc=com
dc: example
objectclass: domain
objectclass: top

The dn value corresponds to the ads-partitionsuffix attribute. The dc value corresponds to the ads-partitionid attribute.

The objectclass value of top is required in all ldapobjects, but I don't see where the "objectclass: domain" comes from, or even why it is specified before top, because their respective orders will alter the value of the base64 hash.

Also, I am puzzled about what ldapattributes I need to hash for my own partition. It's top-level ldapentry follows the "old school" convention, and I am very reluctant to change it because there are so many dependencies within the directory, but also the various applications which rely on the directory.

The top entry looks like this:

dn: O=PingToo.com
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization
o: PingToo.com

Obviously, the order of these attributes and also the exact use of letter case (and any white space ) will alter the resultant ads-contextentry hash.

Can anyone offer me some advice on how and why to do this correctly, please?

Once I have successfully created my new partition I hope to understand the algorithm properly and will update the wiki page to explain the process more clearly.



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