On 06/04/2023 01:50, Shawn McKinney wrote:

On Apr 5, 2023, at 5:19 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:

just while I was trying to prepare a Apache LDAP API release, I had some issues 
with the mvn:site execution.

It seems that some change in the maven-site plugin make it impossible to run 
ethe site generation. I had to eevert to Project 45 to get it working.

I will investigate.

(PS: not a blocker, I'm generating the site - mainly the API crosse ref and 
javadoc - from the target/checkout directory. The point is that I'd lie to 
avoid having to update the pom.xml manually before doing the mvn:site).

I'll keep you informed.


I’ve noticed that the site plugin needs to be updated but in doing it fails 
when being run during a release. Perhaps if you update to latest?

I guess there is an issue with one of the plugin updates that have been applied when I updated the parent project pom.

I'll try with an incremental approach (like changing one plugin at a time). Not funny, but required.

In any case, the site has been generated (ie javadoc/xref) and this is all what count.

*Emmanuel Lécharny - CTO* 205 Promenade des Anglais – 06200 NICE
T. +33 (0)4 89 97 36 50
P. +33 (0)6 08 33 32 61
emmanuel.lecha...@busit.com https://www.busit.com/

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