We shipped the website and it is live under

The documentation has been re-organized into three major parts, one is
'start' - including the pages to start, one is 'user-guide' - include pages
that users need to understand the architecture and use it, the remaining
one is 'admin-guide' - including the pages on how to operate the cluster
and such.

The documentation is still not good enough. Please help us improve the
website if you find any issues. Also I created two master tickets to
tracking any improvements related to user-guide
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DL-53> and admin-guide

- Sijie

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 12:41 AM, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:

> I played with jekyll-rst plugin to build the documentation and pushed the
> latest built website to my github :
> https://sijie.github.io/incubator-distributedlog/
> The website contains two parts:
> - one is the content under directory website. it contains the information
> that probably will not be changed between releases, like community and
> developer information.
> - one is the content under directory docs. it contains all the
> documentation that is aligned with each release.
> The build.sh script under website will link the current docs as `latest`
> (we can add stable release once we come to a release) and build the whole
> site.
> Let me know if the structure looks good. If it is okay, we can push the
> website and iterate from there.
> - Sijie
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 6:02 PM, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I pushed old content to asf-site branch to current repo and enabled
>> gitpubsub. So the content of distributedlog.io is alive at
>> distributedlog.incubator.apache.org now.
>> The new site will come up soon.
>> Sijie
>> On Thursday, August 25, 2016, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Based on the post https://blogs.apache.org/infra
>>> /entry/git_based_websites_available, we can enable 'gitpubsub' on an
>>> asf git repo, so it will pull the content either under root directory or
>>> `content` directory from *asf-site* branch of that repo.
>>> I checked other asf projects. I found there are two approaches to do
>>> that.
>>> 1) use a separated repo for storing the content of website. so they will
>>> be two repo, one is `project` while the other one is typically
>>> `project`-site or `project`-web.
>>> 2) use a single repo and just put the built static content into the  
>>> *asf-site
>>> *branch.
>>> I am kind of leaning toward 2). since I'd like to put documentation and
>>> code together in a single repo. so it is good to make sure whenever there
>>> is code change, the documentation should be updated and reflected. we can
>>> probably write a script to build the website and push the built static
>>> content to *asf-site *branch.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> - Sijie
>>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Sijie Guo <si...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I put up a website following other apache project to use jekyll and
>>>> bootstrap.
>>>> the demo is here https://sijie.github.io/incubator-distributedlog/
>>>> and the git pull request: https://github.com/ap
>>>> ache/incubator-distributedlog/pull/13
>>>> most of the links are pointed to http://distributedlog.io/ directly
>>>> for now. we can try to use the jekyll-rst plugin
>>>> <https://github.com/xdissent/jekyll-rst> to compile existing rst files
>>>> under doc to static files.
>>>> Please take a look and let me know if it is okay.
>>>> Also, I need to investigate how Apache can host the website from a git
>>>> repo. If anyone knows how to do it, please let me know.
>>>> - Sijie

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