Could you please do me a favor? I’m a beginner of DL. These days I run the 
DL-benchmark and I encounter some problems.

1. I have a doubt what the benchmark actually tests. For instance, I found in 
the class, it records the 
time to open the reader and the time to read records. But after I run the 
class, I found only the first time is recorded in file dbench.log. So I have no 
idea about how it shows performance of AsyncLogReader and whether it test the 
throughput of AsyncLogReader.

2. Another problem is LedgerReadBenchmark. I found when read in this way, it 
starts a thread which the other two didn’t. I would have thought I should do 
some comparsion between AsyncReaderBenchmark/SyncReaderBenchmark and 
LedgerReadBenchmark. So what LedgerReadBenchmark actually tests?

3. I found both of AsyncLogReader and LogReader read records sequentially and 
AsyncLogReader shows better performance. I want to know the different usage 
scenario of them.

4. what is the difference between entry and log record?

Looking forward to your answer!


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