Hi Asko,

I don't think there is a REST api available in the proxy service. The API
seems to be thrift-rpc based. I found there is a JIRA to support gPRC wire
protocol. It should not be difficult to add a REST api.

- Jay

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 4:29 AM, Asko Kauppi <asko.kau...@zalando.fi> wrote:

> I’m reading http://distributedlog.incubator.apache.org/docs/
> latest/user_guide/api/proxy.html <http://distributedlog.
> incubator.apache.org/docs/latest/user_guide/api/proxy.html>
> Ideally, I wouldn’t need to use a library to talk to a proxy service,
> right? Is there documentation on how to access the proxies as REST
> endpoints / are they such?
> My preferred environment is Scala and akka-http.
> Asko Kauppi
> Zalando Tech Helsinki

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