A suggestion from the peanut gallery:
If you are starting to create tutorials I would suggest you test them by
getting together with some people who know nothing or little about
OpenOffice and ask them to complete the task in the tutorial.  If they
can do it without any live help from you, then I your tutorial is ready
for those who need it the most.

Per Eriksson wrote:
> Hello,
> The Swedish project under NLC has just begun to coordinate the work to
> develop tutorials for OpenOffice.org.
> Right now it only contains two tutorials covering Word Count and PDF
> Export, but will hopefully expand soon in the future as we have several
> interested contributors.
> :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Best Regards
> Per Eriksson
> Marketing Contact Sweden
> OpenOffice.org
> Phone: +46 70 560 10 33
> Web: http://sv.openoffice.org/
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