Gary Schnabl wrote:

If anybody wants a DocBook 4.5 or DocBook 5.x templates, I could do a Structured FrameMaker implementation of them as I already produced the FrameMaker EDD files from the DocBook 4.5 and 5.0 DTDs, although Norman Walsh never completed the DTD for the current DocBook 5.0 two years ago.

FrameMaker should be far better than what OOo could do as far as DocBook is concerned because OOo is literally years behind Adobe FrameMaker in any such DocBook implementation, IMO.

Surely FrameMaker would be a HUGE impediment to community participation. It is expensive and AFAIK runs only on Windows. Therefore only one or a very few people like you, who happen to have it, would have to do the steps that involve using it. That's a BIG bottleneck, similar to the one Clayton describes for the pre-wiki version of the Developers Guide.


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