Hi there, I'm writing to nominate Xin Cheng[1], aka rickchengx, as our new PMC member.
He began his DolphinScheduler journey on Aug 2, 2022[2] has been almost two years in the community, and became a committer on May 12, 2023[3]. After becoming a committer, in addition to maintaining his original enthusiasm, he also continued to help the community review PRs and issues for a year and gave kind guidance to new contributors. That is the main reason I would like to promote him. He contributes many functional and bug fixes to the DolphinScheduler community, including introducing more storage for the resource center and adding remote logs, adding project-level parameters, adds metrics for the API server, also he helps with a part of upgrading junt5 and removing power mock in our tests. He is active in the community in mail list and GitHub, and he will share a topic about dolphinscheduler in CoC Asia2023[4] at Beijing as well as CoC Asia2024 at HangZhou(coming soon) The discuss thread is in [5] The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number of votes is reached. Please vote accordingly: [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason [1] https://github.com/rickchengx [2] https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/commits?author=rickchengx [3]: https://lists.apache.org/thread/cmb8mown5os8hz5m5xfr6db1z0syb2f7 [4]: https://apachecon.com/acasia2023/zh/sessions/dataops-1112.html [5]: https://lists.apache.org/thread/kw65mwwtkojq0jgscw2q6f4dyy3jcjzc -- Best Wish —Jay Chung