On 05/30/2013 03:31 AM, Nulik Nol wrote:
> Hi,
> has anyone tested dpdk on this card?
> PEG6I Six Port Gigabit
> http://www.servethehome.com/dell-silicom-peg6i-port-gigabit-gige-intel-82571eb-network-adapter/
> It is an 82571EB chip.
> Regards

The igb/e1000 driver in the current DPDK version on dpdk.org does not 
yet support the family of Intel 82571 controllers.

to check if a PCI ethernet controller is supported by the DPDK, find its 
PCI vendor and device identifiers
(for instance with the 'lspci' command) and check them against the list 
of supported PCI device identifiers in the file:

Best regards,

Ivan Boule
6WIND Development Engineer

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