FWIW, it surprised the heck out of me as well.

Turns out that even though I'm compiling in 64-bit mode, gcc has
sizeof(int) as 4 bytes rather than 8. Not really sure what the scoop is on
that, but the standard leaves that up to the compiler. I'm used to int
always being the "natural size" on the CPU/OS, so for a 64-bit executable
on Intel, I assumed int would be 64-bit.

Being an embedded developer for so many years, I rarely use semi-defined
data types just to avoid these sorts of problems.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Wodkowski, PawelX <
pawelx.wodkowski at intel.com> wrote:
> > Because it doesn't work correctly :-)
> It should, what I am missing here? :P
> Pawel

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