On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:07:15PM +0530, Prashant Upadhyaya wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application which consists of *.c files and I have been using the
> DPDK build system happily so far.
> The way I do it is I include the rte.vars.mk and rte.extlib.mk in my
> application Makefile.
> I set the LIB variable to <mylibname>.a
> I set SRCS-y := <all C files here>
> And that's it, it works.
> Now recently, I need to introduce the compilation of .s file (not .S)
So...Not assembly?  Whats in a .s file?

> I can easily compile it by hand using gcc, but I can't seem to find a trick
> to compile it with DPDK environment.
You'll need to add a rule to rte.compile-pre.mk, like the C_TO_O series.  But
you'll have to be creative with your naming as there is already a S_TO_O series
for assembly files (.S)

> Any advises ?
> Regards
> -Prashant

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