> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Hall [mailto:mhall at mhcomputing.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:42 PM
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 03:20:40PM +0000, Gonzalez Monroy, Sergio wrote:
> > You are not forced to use shared libraries. This module loads
> > successfully with an app (testpmd) built against static DPDK libs.
> It sounds like it just requires additional options as mentioned later in your
> mail. We should document the recommended set of link flags for static and
> dynamic link w/ DPDK for apps, as it seems to cause issues for everybody
> making non-example DPDK apps. I've seen several threads about it since
> joining the mailing list a few months back. Maybe it is documented already
> but I didn't see it. I'm willing to write it up but somebody will have to help
> verify I got it right.
In this regard, I would be shortly posting an RFC on ways I think we can improve
the current build system, which would also impact how apps are built.

> So... back to the Supported NICs page. Right not it claims VirtualBox is
> supported but 2 people have seen that it doesn't work at all with either
> driver. Is it intended to be supported configuration or not?
> If it is intended to be supported can we find someone who can help us fix the
> bugs? It's not code I know much about. If it is not intended to work on VBox
> can we delete it from the documentation so nobody besides me and you and
> the other guy in 2013 waste more time trying to use it if it wasn't supposed 
> to
> work in the first place?
I am aware of QEMU/KVM, VMware and Xen being supported/tested, so
probably the documentation should be updated accordingly.

> > Your undefined symbol error is most likely because the symbol is not
> > in the dynamic symbol table of you app. You need to pass -rdynamic to
> > GCC or -export-dynamic to LD when building your app.
> Good advice. I'll try it and see. Of course it won't fix the infinite loop 
> though
> so the driver still won't help much even with the change present.
It certainly won't fix the loop problem :)


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