
This is a repost of 
https://lists.01.org/pipermail/dpdk-ovs/2014-September/001788.html as the issue 
might be related to dpdk.org vhost code.

I am using dpdk-ovs 1.1.0 (latest release) as follow :

linux-guest (no DPKD) <---  virtIO ---> OVDK 1.1.0 (with latest DPDK [*]) < --- 
Niantic --- > linux-native

[*] commit 8fd8bebc051704d7caecfed8d8a065a79c022329
Author: Adrien Mazarguil <adrien.mazarguil at 6wind.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 1 12:31:11 2014 +0200

UDP/ICMP connectivity is fine, but TCP checksum of packet sent by the guest are 
incorrect, as showed with tcpdump on linux-native.

Is it supposed to work? If yes, what is the proper qemu version to use and its 

I am using qemu version provided by dpdk-ovs (same issue with PDDK 1.7.0 and 
latest one) and I followed this documentation: 


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