
Can someone clarify what I am interpreting  as a documentation conflict 
regarding the "priority" field for rte_table_acl_rule_add_params? Below 
documentation says "highest priority wins", but the header file comment says 0 
is highest priority. Based on my testing with conflicting entries, I would like 
ask if we can/should update the documentation/descriptions to state "the lowest 
non-negative integer priority value will be selected". Highest priority implies 
select X, when X > Y >= 0. However, based on my testing, that is not the case. 
Instead, Y is selected.

From: https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/prog_guide/packet_classif_access_ctrl.html

When creating a set of rules, for each rule, additional information must be 
supplied also:
*         priority: A weight to measure the priority of the rules (higher is 
better)... If the input tuple matches more than one rule, then the rule with 
the higher priority is returned. Note that if the input tuple matches more than 
one rule and these rules have equal priority, it is undefined which rule is 
returned as a match. It is recommended to assign a unique priority for each 
From: http://doc.dpdk.org/api/structrte__table__acl__rule__add__params.html

int32_t priority
ACL rule priority, with 0 as the highest priority

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