09/07/2020 14:25, Andrey Vesnovaty:
> Hi, Jerin and Ferruh
> First of all it's  decided to postpone this effort to 20.11.
> @jer...@marvell.com I sincerely believe we can work out great API for
> - shared action, context
> - action update / modification / replacement
> after 20.08 without time pressure & stress.
> I'm fully committed and will continue to work on this PATCH.
> I'll resend improved version of this patch once 20.08 is out & we will
> continue our discussion from here to make it even better.

I don't think you should wait 20.08 (one month) to progress.
Ideally, it should be ready to be merged in the first day of 20.11 cycle.

Please add the feature in the release notes (even in 20.08 one
in the meantime).

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