I have compiled DPDK v2.0.0 and tried to run example skeleton program on
RHEL 6.4(2.6.32 kernel) with 4 NUMA nodes.
I could make the program run but it was not receiving any packets. The
kernel was started without any hugepages parameter. The option '23' in
'setup' script in DPDK was showing hugepage=2MB, but number of hugepages=0

What could be the problem? Could you please suggest what I should try?

And then I started the kernel with parameter hugepages=256. But then the
program is crashing with an error
EAL: rte_eal_common_log_init(): cannot create history mempool
PANIC in rte_eal_init():
Cannot init logs

What could be the problem?

Also when I am using option '16' in the setup script in DPDK to setup the
hugepages it prints an error
"/sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048KB/nr_hugepages :
No such file or directory"
I verified that though mine is NUMA machine , this apath is not existing.
but  "/sys/kernel/mm/hugepages" path is there.


Rajesh R

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