On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 11:12:28AM +0300, Panu Matilainen wrote:

> Forcing a change of tools and workflows on everybody WILL create ill-will if
> nothing else.
> Also please realize that not everybody sees GitHub as the greatest thing
> since sliced bread. It has quite some "Hotel California" aspects to it, and
> actually the imago of an average GH project is not that great: there are so
> many badly run and abandoned projects there that the first thought when I
> hear the word GitHub is "oh no, not one of those again" rather than "cool".
> I know I'm not alone in that thinking.

GitHub -- the SourceForge of the 21st century!

John W. Linville                Someday the world will need a hero, and you
linville at tuxdriver.com                       might be all we have.  Be ready.

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