2015-11-03 10:24, Bruce Richardson:
> The release notes "New Feature" section is always one that causes conflicts on
> apply of patches. I think Thomas is ok to handle that on apply, or else we'd 
> all
> be constantly rebasing.

Yes, it is a common conflict managed when applying.

> For 2.3 we maybe need to come up with a new way to modify this to make 
> applying
> patches easier. For example, can the new features section just be pulled from
> a set of individual single-bullet-point files inside a directory? Then each 
> new
> feature just drops its addition in a new file and there are no conflicts. Can
> rst be used to pull into a doc a directory: e.g. "new_features/*.rst"?

Good idea.
But we should try to have some automatic sorting in the list.

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