
My name is Thiago, I'm trying to compile DPDK 2.0, 2.1 and/or 2.2-rc1,
on Ubuntu with Xen support but, it does not build...

Also, initially, I'm using DPDK sources from Ubuntu APT repository
but, it is also reproducible using upstream DPDK tarball as well,
explained as follows:


* It is not possible to use the following DPDK options at the same time:


Ubuntu DPDK .deb package uses CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_COMBINE_LIBS and,
without it, it can't build its .deb binary package (step: "make -f
debian/rules binary" doesn't work).

So, if you have the above two options set to "yes", the following
error appear while building DPDK:



* Steps to reproduce it on Ubuntu *

You'll need to download, build and package DPDK using 100% Ubuntu
tools...     ;-)

1- Install Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit, Server or Desktop (If you're brave, go
for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial dev branch);

NOTE 1: Make sure you have uncommented some 'source' URIs in your
/etc/apt/sources.list file. You can use the following Regex on vi:

    sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

    :%s/^# deb-src/deb-src/cg

NOTE 2: Install on your Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install fakeroot libxen-dev

2- Download and build DPDK 2.0

# Install DPDK build dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get build-dep dpdk

    mkdir -p ~/dpdk/ubuntu ; cd ~/dpdk/ubuntu

# Download DPDK:

    apt-get source dpdk

    cd dpdk-2.0.0

# Build DPDK (without Xen, just defaults from Ubuntu package, it works):

    make -f debian/rules build  # to build it
    make -f debian/rules binary  # to package it into .deb files

# or

    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us

It will build okay! Like a charm...

But, now, if you want to enable LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT, it fails. To
reproduce this problem, try this:

     vi debian/rules

And bellow the lines (yes, it is duplicated, we know, add twice too):

                -e 's,(CONFIG_RTE_LIBNAME=).*,\1"dpdk",' \

Append the following line:

                -e 's,(LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT=).*,\1y,' \

Then, it fails to build, look:

    fakeroot make -f debian/rules build

# Line 486 of:



2.1- Download and build DPDK 2.2.0-rc1

 * Steps to reproduce it using most recent DPDK tarball *

So, lets say that you guys wants to test it using upstream DPDK tarball...

If you followed above instructions (step 2), you have everything you
need to build any DPDK version on Ubuntu (thanks to "apt-get build-dep
dpdk" step and sources 'URI' on your sources.list).


mkdir -p ~/dpdk/2.2.0-rc1 ; cd ~/dpdk/2.2.0-rc1

wget http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/snapshot/dpdk-2.2.0-rc1.tar.gz

tar xf dpdk-2.2.0-rc1.tar.gz

cd dpdk-2.2.0-rc1

        make T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc config

        sed -ri -e 's,(RTE_MACHINE=).*,\1"default",' \
                -e 's,(RTE_APP_TEST=).*,\1n,' \
                -e 's,(RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=).*,\1y,' \
                -e 's,(RTE_EAL_IGB_UIO=).*,\1n,' \
                -e 's,(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KNI=).*,\1n,' \
                -e 's,(CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_COMBINE_LIBS=).*,\1y,' \
                -e 's,(CONFIG_RTE_LIBNAME=).*,\1"dpdk",' \
                -e 's,(LIBRTE_VHOST=).*,\1y,' \
                -e 's,(LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT=).*,\1y,' \
                -e 's,(LIBRTE_XEN_DOM0=).*,\1y,' \

Then, it also fails to build:


Build error:


If you remove "CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_COMBINE_LIBS", then, you can build it
with "LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT", and vice-versa. But, without
"...COMBINE_LIBS", Ubuntu .deb package doesn't get builded.

BTW, the option LIBRTE_XEN_DOM0 is fine when also enabling COMBINE_LIBS...

Am I missing something? Is this by design or a DPDK bug?

Thanks in advance!


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