> > > > When classic BPFs with lots of branching instructions are compiled,
> > > > __rte_bpf_bpf_validate runs way too slow. A simple bpf such as:
> > > > 'ether host a0:38:6d:af:17:eb or b3:a3:ff:b6:c1:ef or ...' 12 times
> > > >
> > > > results in ~1 minute of bpf validation.
> > > > This patch makes __rte_bpf_bpf_validate be aware of bpf_prm originating
> > > > from classic BPF, allowing to safely skip over the validation.
> > > >
> > > > Signed-off-by: Yoav Winstein <yoa...@claroty.com>
> > > > ---
> > >
> > > No.
> > > Wallpapering over a performance bug in the BPF library is not
> > > the best way to handle this. Please analyze the problem in the BPF
> > > library; it should be fixed there.
> >
> > +1
> > Blindly disabling verification for all cBPFs is the worst possible option 
> > here.
> > We need at least try to understand what exactly causing such slowdown.
> +1
> You didn't mention it is also breaking ABI compatibility.

Yep, it does, thanks Thomas for highlighting it.

Yoav,  can I ask submitter to check would:
fix the problem you are facing?
I think that the root cause is the same.

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