Information about variables and rules behaviour is added to

Signed-off-by: Mario Carrillo <mario.alfredo.c.arevalo at>
 doc/build-sdk-quick.txt | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/build-sdk-quick.txt b/doc/build-sdk-quick.txt
index bf18b48..a76fa91 100644
--- a/doc/build-sdk-quick.txt
+++ b/doc/build-sdk-quick.txt
@@ -5,10 +5,21 @@ Build commands
        all              same as build (default rule)
        build            build in a configured directory
        clean            remove files but keep configuration
-       install          build many targets (wildcard allowed) and install in 
+       install          if T is defined build many targets (wildcard allowed) 
and install in DESTDIR
+                         else it will call install-fhs install target
        uninstall        remove all installed targets
        examples         build examples for given targets (T=)
        examples_clean   clean examples for given targets (T=)
+Install commands
+        install          if T is defined build many targets (wildcard allowed) 
and install in DESTDIR
+                         else it will call install-fhs install target
+       install-headers  install headers files
+       install-bin      install app files a dpdk tools
+       install-lib      install libraries
+       install-doc      install documentation
+       install-mod      install modules
+       install-sdk      install headers, makefiles, scripts,examples, tools 
and config files
+       install-fhs      install libraries, modules, app files, nic bind files 
and documentation
 Build variables
        EXTRA_CPPFLAGS   preprocessor options
        EXTRA_CFLAGS     compiler options
@@ -23,3 +34,12 @@ Build variables
        T         target template (install default: *) - used with config or 
                        format: <arch-machine-execenv-toolchain>
                        templates in config/defconfig_*
+Install variables
+       RTE_PREFIX      /usr/local by default it can be overridden
+       BIN_DIR         $(RTE_PREFIX)/bin by default it can be overridden
+       INCLUDE_DIR     $(RTE_PREFIX)/include by default it can be overridden
+       LIB_DIR         $(RTE_PREFIX)/lib by default it can be overridden
+       DOC_DIR         $(RTE_PREFIX)/share/doc/dpdk by default it can be 
+       DATA_DIR        $(RTE_PREFIX)/shareby default it can be overridden
+       KMOD_DIR        /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/drivers/dpdk  for linux
+                        /boot/modules for BSD by default, they can be 

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