On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 01:23:52PM +0000, O'Driscoll, Tim wrote:
> That makes sense. So maybe what we're converging on is the following:
> - The scope of the Architecture Board covers all projects hosted on dpdk.org.
> - The Architecture Board will approve new projects to be hosted on dpdk.org.
> - If it's not clear whether a new piece of functionality resides within one 
> of the existing projects on dpdk.org or needs a new project of its own, the 
> Architecture Board will decide.
> Is that in line with your thoughts on this?
> Tim

I think a small adjustment to this part could be valuable.

DPDK itself is kind of an embedded C programmer thing. So this is likely who 
will appear in the Arch Board.

So is the TCP / IP stack if one comes out.

But librte_ipsec and some other stuff would be security related.

Something like Apache's ability to have a loosely affiliated / Incubator / 
Partner project controlled by its original maintainers, and somehow labeled as 
a friend of DPDK but managed by its original maintainers could be useful.

To set expectations it would be labeled on the page for that sort of project 
that it is included because the DPDK Team felt it is useful, but it does not 
necessarily follow the standard guarantees of the more official entrants.


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