Hi Ick-Sung,
Please see inline.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:14 PM, ??? <pnk003 at naver.com> wrote:
> If I take an example, the worker assignment method using &amp; (not %) in 
> load balancing was not fixed yet.

If the code works, there is nothing to fix, right? ;)

> Question #1) I would like to know how can I read/write/modify 
> TCP/UDP/ICMP/IGMP/...  headers from packet in rte_mbuf.
>   I will really appreciate if I can be given an example code. I guess it 
> would be somewhat complex.

For an example please have a look at parse_ethernet() in test-pmd:

The example usage is in the same file:

eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, struct ether_hdr *);
parse_ethernet(eth_hdr, &info);
l3_hdr = (char *)eth_hdr + info.l2_len;

if (info.l4_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
    udp_hdr = (struct udp_hdr *)((char *)l3_hdr + info.l3_len);
    udp_hdr->dst_port = ...

Then you might need to recalculate the L4 checksum, so have a look at

> Question #2) The IP checksum does not include 6 the ptr. 6 th ptr (ptr16[5]) 
> is missing in the example code. Is it right?
>   ( ip_cksum += ptr16[5]; in the following code.)

The code seems fine, ptr16[5] is the checksum itself. It should be
zero, so we can skip it.

There is a users at dpdk.org mailing list now, so please use it for your
further questions. Here is the link for your convenience:


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