On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 09:57:39AM +0000, Doherty, Declan wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> ...
> > You are not advocating but the unit test must be written in C++.
> > I don't think it is a good idea to force people to write and maintain the 
> > tests
> > in a different language than the code it tests.
> I know where you are coming from on this point, and I general would agree if
> it were not for the advantages you get from C++ test framework. Having worked 
> with
> multiple C and C++ frameworks, I've found that one of the biggest advantages 
> of the
> C++ frameworks is the amount of boilerplate code they can save you from 
> writing. Also
> nearly all of C frameworks I've used make use macros to the point that they 
> look more like
> objective C than C. In general I feel that even if the test code is written 
> in C++ the code itself
> should be simple enough that someone with even a passing knowledge of C++ 
> could easily
> understand the intent of the test code. 
> > > Some of the major advantages of google test that I see over continuing to 
> > > use
> > the
> > > current test include giving a consist feel to all tests, a powerful test
> > > execution framework which allow individual test suites or tests to be 
> > > specified
> > > from the command line, support for a standard xunit output which can be
> > integrated
> > > into a continuous build systems, and a very powerful mocking library
> > > which allows much more control over testing failure conditions.
> > 
> > It would be interesting to better describe in details what is missing 
> > currently
> > and what such a framework can bring.
> > (I agree there is a huge room for improvements on unit tests)
> Some of the things I've come across include:
> No standard output format to integrated with continuous regression systems
> No ability to specify specific unit tests or groups of tests to run from the 
> command line
> No standard set of test assertions used across the test suites.
> No standard setup and teardown functions across test suites, state from 
> previous test
> suite can break current
> Requirement to use a python script to orchestrate test runs.
> No support for mocking functionality.

I think libcheck:

Ticks most of those boxes, or can have the missing functionality added fairly

> I know that none of the above couldn't be fixed in our current test 
> application, but I would 
> question if it is effort worthwhile when we take an off the shelf framework, 
> which does all 
> those things and a whole lot more, which has been test and used in a huge 
> variety of
> projects. 
> I certainly willing to look at other frameworks both C and C++ but I yet to 
> find a C framework
> which come close to the usability and flexibility of the popular C++ ones.

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