On 01/23/2016 04:22 AM, Wiles, Keith wrote:
> On 1/22/16, 1:45 AM, "Panu Matilainen" <pmatilai at redhat.com> wrote:
>> We wouldn't be discussing this if it was not an issue. It is offensive
>> enough to turn away both users and contributors, and merely speeding up
>> a bit is not going to make it a whole lot better.
>> As I (and now others as well) already suggested changing it to a one
>> line printout is what would make worlds of difference while still
>> complying with the license AFAICT. The license text requires printing
>> out the copyright notice, it does not say anything about rendering it in
>> full-screen ascii-art, or printing out the entire license.
> Thank you Panu for your input, I will think about.

Looking at pktgen 2.9.12 and seeing all the ugly startup goo is now 
gone, its my turn to


        - Panu -

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