This patchset enables LPM, ACL and other few missing libs in ppc64le and also
address few patches in related examples (ip_pipeline and l3fwd).

Test report:

LPM autotest test results as below.

No. routes = 1076806
Route distribution per prefix width: 
01              0 (0.00)
02              0 (0.00)
03              1 (0.00)
04              0 (0.00)
05              3 (0.00)
06              2 (0.00)
07              4 (0.00)
08            201 (0.02)
09             37 (0.00)
10             55 (0.01)
11             97 (0.01)
12            381 (0.04)
13            775 (0.07)
14           2104 (0.20)
15           3712 (0.34)
16          69319 (6.44)
17          12983 (1.21)
18          23667 (2.20)
19          69068 (6.41)
20          62354 (5.79)
21          48531 (4.51)
22          72355 (6.72)
23          85427 (7.93)
24         583900 (54.23)
25           2654 (0.25)
26           5650 (0.52)
27           6467 (0.60)
28           7127 (0.66)
29          12936 (1.20)
30           5999 (0.56)
31             13 (0.00)
32            984 (0.09)

Unique added entries = 1039948
Used table 24 entries = 11343198 (67.6107%)
64 byte Cache entries used = 360735 (23087040 bytes)
Average LPM Add: 110766 cycles
Average LPM Lookup: 34.5 cycles (fails = 19.3%)
BULK LPM Lookup: 31.5 cycles (fails = 19.3%)
LPM LookupX4: 29.5 cycles (fails = 19.3%)
Average LPM Delete: 63813.8 cycles
Test OK

ACL autotest test results as below:

ACL: trie 0: number of rules: 17, indexes: 4
ACL: trie 1: number of rules: 10, indexes: 5
ACL: Gen phase for ACL "acl_ctx":
runtime memory footprint on socket -1:
single nodes/bytes used: 8822/70576
quad nodes/vectors/bytes used: 12788/53374/426992
DFA nodes/group64/bytes used: 2175/4359/2233864
match nodes/bytes used: 24100/3084800
total: 5818432 bytes
max limit: 18446744073709551615 bytes
ACL: Build phase for ACL "acl_ctx":
node limit for tree split: 16384
nodes created: 47885
memory consumed: 100663380
ACL: trie 0: number of rules: 22, indexes: 5
ACL: trie 1: number of rules: 5, indexes: 5
Test OK


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