On 19/07/16 17:17, Olivier Matz wrote:
> Hi Zoltan,
> On 07/19/2016 05:59 PM, Zoltan Kiss wrote:
>> On 19/07/16 16:37, Olivier Matz wrote:
>>> Hi Zoltan,
>>> On 07/19/2016 04:37 PM, Zoltan Kiss wrote:
>>>> A recent fix brought up an issue about the size of the 'name' fields:
>>>> 85cf0079 mem: avoid memzone/mempool/ring name truncation
>>>> These relations should be observed:
>>>> Setting all of them to 32 hides this restriction from the application.
>>>> This patch increases the memzone string size to accomodate for these
>>>> prefixes, and the same happens with the ring name string. The ABI
>>>> needs to
>>>> be broken to fix this API issue, this way doesn't break applications
>>>> previously not failing due to the truncating bug now fixed.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Zoltan Kiss <zoltan.kiss at schaman.hu>
>>> I agree it is a problem for an application because it cannot know what
>>> is the maximum name length. On the other hand, breaking the ABI for this
>>> looks a bit overkill. Maybe we could reduce RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE and
>>> RTE_RING_NAMESIZE instead of increasing RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE? That way,
>>> we could keep the ABI as is.
>> But that would break the ABI too, wouldn't it? Unless you keep the array
>> the same size (32 bytes) by using RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE.
> Yes, that was the idea.
>> And even then, the API breaks anyway. There are applications - I have at
>> least some - which use all 32 bytes to store the name. Decrease that
>> would cause headache to change the naming scheme, because it's a 30
>> character long id, and chopping the last few chars would cause name
>> collisions and annoying bugs.
> Before my patch (85cf0079), long names were silently truncated when
> mempool created its ring and/or memzones. Now, it returns an error.

With 16.04 an application could operate as expected if the first 26 
character were unique. Your patch revealed the problem that characters 
after these were left out of the name. Now applications fail where this 
never been a bug because their naming scheme guarantees the uniqueness 
on the first 26 chars (or makes it very unlikely)
Where the first 26 is not unique, it failed earlier too, because at 
memzone creation it checks for duplicate names.

> I'm not getting why changing the struct to something like below would
> break the API, since it would already return an error today.

Wait, this would mean applications need to recompile to use the smaller 
value. AFAIK that's an ABI break too, right? At the moment I don't see a 
way to fix this without breaking the ABI

>        (RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE - sizeof(pool_prefix) - sizeof(ring prefix))
>    struct rte_mempool {
>        union {
>              char name[RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE];
>              char pad[32];
>        };
>        ...
>    }
> Anyway, it may not be the proper solution since it supposes that a
> mempool includes a ring based on a memzone, which is not always true now
> with mempool handlers.

Oh, as we dug deeper it gets better!
Indeed, we don't necessarily have this ring + memzone pair underneath, 
but the user is not aware of that, and I think we should keep it that 
way. It should only care that the string passed shouldn't be bigger than 
a certain amount.
Also, even though we don't necessarily have the ring, we still reserve 
memzone's in rte_mempool_populate_default(). And their name has a 3 
letter prefix, and a "_%d" postfix, where the %d could be as much as 
RTE_MAX_MEMZONE in worst case (2560 by default) So actually:

strlen(RTE_MEMPOOL_MZ_PREFIX) - strlen("_2560")

As a side note, there is another bug around here: rte_ring_create() 
doesn't check for name duplications. However the user of the library can 
lookup based on the name with rte_ring_lookup(), and it will return the 
first ring with that name

>>> It would even be better to get rid of this static char[] for the
>>> structure names and replace it by an allocated const char *. I didn't
>>> check it's feasible for memzones. What do you think?
>> It would work too, but I don't think it would help a lot. We would still
>> need max sizes for the names. Storing them somewhere else won't help us
>> in this problem.
> Why should we have a maximum length for the names?

What happens if an application loads DPDK and create a mempool with a 
name string 2 million characters long? Maybe nothing we should worry 
about, but in general I think unlimited length function parameters are 
problematic at the very least. The length should be passed at least 
(which also creates a max due to the size of the param). But I think it 
would be just easier to have these maximums set, observing the above 

> Thanks,
> Olivier

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