Hi Marc

From: Marc Sune [mailto:marcde...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:43 AM
To: dev at dpdk.org; Lu, Wenzhuo
Subject: e1000: randomly loosing link change events triggered by the peer

I found that in the current HEAD in master testing it with an I218-LM in 
autoneg mode, when link is forced to be renegociated by the peer (e.g. via 
ethtool on a peer Linux box) _some_ change events are lost.

It is quite random, but it seems to happen more while changing the speed than 
when changing the duplex mode.

However, when one or more link change events have been lost and the phy medium 
is disconnected and reconnected, the link speed and duplex mode are then 
correctly updated.


[Wenzhuo] Thanks for let us know this issue. May I ask some questions? Do you 
mean this NIC 0x155A? About how to reproduce this problem, you mean use these 
CLIs, ethtool ?s xxx advertise xxx, ethtool ?s xxx duplex half/full, to change 
the peer port?s configuration?

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