Hi All,

I am using DPDK 16.04 and pktgen 3.0.00

Issue is, Packet reaches to wrong queue at DPDK, if source IP of a packet
changed at pktgen-dpdk.

On my DPDK machine, i have configured RSS rule just for Destination IP

[image: rss]

>From Pktgen when i changed *destination IP* as **, *proto *as
*ICMP*, and after that i tried command *ping4 0*
Packet reaches to correct queue in DPDK application.

But if i changed the source IP at packet gen (any IP other then, I am not getting packet at correct core on DPDK machine.

Here is my pktgen IP looks like.
[image: pktgen]

If i revert my my source IP change, it again reached to correct core.

My port configuration is
[image: rss_conf]

Is their anything, i am doing wrong?

Thanks in Advance.



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