> On Nov 10, 2016, at 5:02 PM, Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com> 
> wrote:
> 2016-11-10 16:11, Mcnamara, John:
>> I had a look at the html output before and after this patch and I don't 
>> quite agree with it. I see that you are trying to clean up and make the 
>> documentation more consistent but I don't know if this is the right way to 
>> do it.
>> The problem is that TestPMD is a bit of an outlier. It isn't a sample 
>> application and it isn't really a test application despite the name (it is 
>> more of a tester application). Also I don't think that it is a tool/utility 
>> like the other apps in the target directory (if it is seen as a tool then it 
>> should be renamed to something like dpdk-tester for consistency). Testpmd 
>> also has quite a lot of documentation, more than any of our other apps or 
>> utilities, which again makes it an outlier.
> Yes testpmd is not the same kind of tool as others. It helps for tests,
> debugging and demos.
> About the name, as it is packaged as part of the runtime, I think we should
> find a better name. As you said it should start with "dpdk-" and it should
> contain "net" as it does not test the crypto drivers.
> Something like dpdk-testpmd-net.

To me the name dpdk-testpmd-net is a bit long and does testpmd really just test 
PMDs. I was thinking of the name dpdk-tester is really pretty short and 
descriptive IMO. Adding net or pmd to the name does not really add anything as 
dpdk is kind of networking. Just my $0.04 worth. 

>> So my preference is to leave TestPMD in the high level index.
> OK I understand your opinion.
>> However, I do think the High level index should be cleaned up a bit and the 
>> items re-ordered into a more logical sequence. I'll submit a patch for that.
> OK thanks


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