On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 02:02:32PM +0200, Keren Hochman wrote:
> Also, I can't understand how to define socket-mem. I did not see anything
> related to hugepages in /etc/sysctl.conf. Can i mount hugepages to 2
> different dirs instead and use --huge-dir ?
> Thank you.
Doing so would be a replacement for using the --file-prefix option,
because even with two different hugepage mount points all pages can be
used via each one, meaning the first process can still use all hugepage
memory. The only exception to this that I know of is if the two mountpoints
are for two different sizes of hugepages.

With regards to the process failing if you use the --no-huge option: did
you try running with --no-huge and a -m or --socket-mem option? By
default, I think the --no-huge option only allocates a relatively small
amount of memory for DPDK use. Try "--no-huge -m 2048" and see if that


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