Hi All,
With the help and support from Edmon, I am going to leverage the
HPC resources at NICS ( https://www.nics.tennessee.edu/ 
<https://www.nics.tennessee.edu/>) for  some Drill tests.
The goal is to explore how Drill performs on HPC platform.

1. Platform configuration: details can be found here:

2. Tests:   TPCH and/or TPCDS  (subset of queries)
                 datasize:  will start with SF1000 (~1TB), may increase to 
larger dataset (depending on storage space available)
                 test runs:  1 thread (like power run)
                                  multiple threads (like Throughput run)
3. Set up:   
                — Drill (master) on Apache Hadoop
                — Drill (master) on MapR-FS

Any comments/suggestions?


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