This seems to be an interesting issue with flatten.

All the data seems to be recognized as a list, and would expect flatten to just 
unnest the the first layer??

Seems to be somewhat related to DRILL-1673

 from  `multimap` t ;
| EXPR$0  |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |
| LIST    |

 from  `multimap` t ;
| EXPR$0  |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |

 from  `multimap` t ;
| EXPR$0  |
| NULL    |
| NULL    |
| MAP     |
| NULL    |
| NULL    |
| MAP     |
| NULL    |
| MAP     |
| MAP     |
| NULL    |


> On Jan 20, 2016, at 9:24 AM, Christopher Matta <> wrote:
> I have some POS log data that I’m converting from XML which has a nested
> list of items/actions added during the transaction. The issue I’m having is
> that when I try and flatten the list Drill complains:
> 0: jdbc:drill:> select
> flatten(t.RetailTransaction.POSLog.`ARTS:Transaction`.`ARTS:RetailTransaction`.`ARTS:LineItem`)
> from `multimap` t ;
> Error: DATA_READ ERROR: Error parsing JSON - You tried to start when
> you are using a ValueWriter of type NullableVarCharWriterImpl.
> File  /user/cmatta/projects/multimap/data.json
> Record  1
> Fragment 0:0
> [Error Id: 544e0177-20a7-4e59-9e29-6ac199e31701 on
>] (state=,code=0)
> This is because the ARTS:LineItem list has multiple types of map schemas,
> depending on what the operator does at the POS, here is a sampling:
> // PreferredCustomer
> {
>  "EntryMethod": "Keyed",
>  "VoidFlag": "false",
>  "PreferredCustomer": {
>    "CustomerIdentification": {
>      "NoSaleData": "00",
>      "CustomerAccountID": "xxxx",
>      "EntryMethod": "Keyboard"
>    }
>  },
>  "ARTS:SequenceNumber": "21"
> },
> // ARTS:Sale
> {
>  "EntryMethod": "Scanned",
>  "ARTS:Sale": {
>    "ItemType": "Stock",
>    "ItemSupplementalInformation": {
>      "RetailTransactionLineItemFlags": {
>        ...
>      },
>      "FamilyCodePrevious": "136",
>      "FamilyCodeCurrent": "411",
>      "GroceryDepartment": "67",
>      "OrdinalNumber": "1"
>    },
>    "ARTS:Quantity": "1",
>    "ARTS:ExtendedAmount": "5.19",
>    "ARTS:POSIdentity": {
>      "ARTS:POSItemID": "1200080999"
>    }
>  },
>  "VoidFlag": "false",
>  "ARTS:SequenceNumber": "30"
> },
> // ARTS:Tender
> {
>  "VoidFlag": "false",
>  "ARTS:SequenceNumber": "80",
>  "ARTS:Tender": {
>    "ARTS:Amount": "1.00",
>    "TypeCode": "Sale",
>    "ARTS:TenderID": "83",
>    "ARTS:Coupon": {
>      "ARTS:SecondaryLabel": "0",
>      "ARTS:ManufacturerID": "0",
>      "ARTS:PrimaryLabel": "990011",
>      "ARTS:ExpirationDate": "2005-12-31",
>      "ARTS:FamilyCode": "000000",
>      "ItemSupplementalInformation": {
>        "RetailTransactionLineItemFlags": {
>          ...
>        },
>        "FamilyCodePrevious": "000",
>        "FamilyCodeCurrent": "000",
>        "GroceryDepartment": "5",
>        "OrdinalNumber": "4"
>      },
>      "ARTS:Quantity": "1",
>      "ARTS:PromotionCode": "0"
>    },
>    "TenderType": "Voucher"
>  }
> },
> // ARTS:LoyaltyReward
> {
>    "ARTS:LoyaltyReward": {
>      "ARTS:PromotionID": "Electronic Marketing",
>      "PointsAwarded": "3005"
>    },
>    "VoidFlag": "false",
>    "ARTS:SequenceNumber": "240"
>  },
> I’ve tried using the new exec.enable_union_type=true setting but that
> returns no results to the same query:
> 0: jdbc:drill:> alter session set `exec.enable_union_type`=true;
> +-------+----------------------------------+
> |  ok   |             summary              |
> +-------+----------------------------------+
> | true  | exec.enable_union_type updated.  |
> +-------+----------------------------------+
> 1 row selected (0.217 seconds)
> 0: jdbc:drill:> select
> flatten(t.RetailTransaction.POSLog.`ARTS:Transaction`.`ARTS:RetailTransaction`.`ARTS:LineItem`)
> from `multimap` t ;
> +---------+
> | EXPR$0  |
> +---------+
> +---------+
> No rows selected (0.305 seconds)
> How can I flatten this map?
> This is Drill v1.4.
> Chris
> 215-701-3146
> ​

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