On behalf of *Apache* *Drill* community, I am happy to *announce* the
release of
*Apache* *Drill* 1.5.0.

The source and binary artifacts are available at [1]
Review a complete list of fixes and enhancements at [2]

This release of *Drill* fixes many issues and introduces a number of
enhancements, including the following highlights:

Web Authentication

Drill 1.5 extends Drill user authentication to the Web Console and
underlying REST API so administrators can control the extent of access to
the Web Console and REST API client applications.

Kudu Support

Drill now includes experimental support for querying the Apache Kudu
(incubating) scalable columnar database.

Improved Memory Allocator

Drill uses a new allocator that improves an operator’s use of direct memory
and tracks the memory use more accurately.

Configurable Caching of Hive Metadata

You can now configure the TTL for the Hive metadata client cache depending
on how frequently the Hive metadata is updated.

Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed in this release.

[1] http://drill.apache.org/download/
[2] http://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-1-5-0-release-notes/

- Jason

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