Do you want to elaborate on and possibly walk though an example as to how
shouldContinue(...) behaves at fragment boundaries(entry/exit) and in the
middle considering back-pressure, inner pull loops like hash join, blocking
semantics etc?


2016-02-29 22:15 GMT-08:00 Neeraja Rentachintala <>:

> Jacques
> can you provide more context on what user/customer problem these changes
> that you & Hanifi discussed are trying to solve.
> Is it part of the better resource utilization or concurrency/multi tenancy
> handling or both.
> It will help to understand that as a background for the discussion.
> -Neeraja
> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 9:36 PM, Jacques Nadeau <>
> wrote:
> > Hanifi and I had a great conversation late last week about how Drill
> > currently provides parallelization. Hanifi suggested we move to a model
> > whereby there is a fixed threadpool for all Drill work and we treat all
> > operator and/or fragment operations as tasks that can be scheduled within
> > that pool. This would serve the following purposes:
> >
> > 1. reduce the number of threads that Drill creates
> > 2. Decrease wasteful context switching (especially in high concurrency
> > scenarios)
> > 3. Provide more predictable slas for Drill infrastructure tasks such as
> > heartbeats/rpc and cancellations/planning and queue management/etc (a key
> > hot-button for Vicki :)
> >
> > For reference, this is already the threading model we use for the RPC
> > threads and is a fairly standard asynchronous programming model. When
> > Hanifi and I met, we brainstormed on what types of changes might need to
> be
> > done and ultimately thought that in order to do this, we'd realistically
> > want to move iterator trees from a pull model to a push model within a
> > node.
> >
> > After spending more time thinking about this idea, I had the following
> > thoughts:
> >
> > - We could probably accomplish the same behavior staying with a pull
> model
> > and using the IteraOutcome.NOT_YET to return.
> > - In order for this to work effectively, all code would need to be
> > non-blocking (including reading from disk, writing to socket, waiting for
> > zookeeper responses, etc)
> > - Task length (or coarseness) would be need to be quantized
> appropriately.
> > While operating at the might be attractive, it is too
> > coarse to get reasonable sharing and we'd need to figure out ways to have
> > time-based exit within operators.
> > - With this approach, one of the biggest challenges would be reworking
> all
> > the operators to be able to unwind the stack to exit execution (to yield
> > their thread).
> >
> > Given those challenges, I think there may be another, simpler solution
> that
> > could cover items 2 & 3 above without dealing with all the issues that we
> > would have to deal with in the proposal that Hanifi suggested. At its
> core,
> > I see the biggest issue is dealing with the unwinding/rewinding that
> would
> > be required to move between threads. This is very similar to how we
> needed
> > to unwind in the case of memory allocation before we supported realloc
> and
> > causes substantial extra code complexity. As such, I suggest we use a
> pause
> > approach that uses something similar to a semaphore for the number of
> > active threads we allow. This could be done using the existing
> > shouldContinue() mechanism where we suspend or reacquire thread use as we
> > pass through this method. We'd also create some alternative
> shoudlContinue
> > methods such as shouldContinue(Lock toLock) and shouldContinue(Queue
> > queueToTakeFrom), etc so that shouldContinue would naturally wrap
> blocking
> > calls with the right logic. This would be a fairly simple set of changes
> > and we could see how well it improves issues 2 & 3 above.
> >
> > On top of this, I think we still need to implement automatic
> > parallelization scaling of the cluster. Even a rudimentary monitoring of
> > cluster load and parallel reduction of max_width_per_node would
> > substantially improve the behavior of the cluster under heavy concurrent
> > loads. (And note, I think that this is required no matter what we
> implement
> > above.)
> >
> > Thoughts?
> > Jacques
> >
> > --
> > Jacques Nadeau
> > CTO and Co-Founder, Dremio
> >

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