Hello devs,

I think everyone has noticed that there are some parts of project
maintenance that have been lagging in the past few months.

The good new is that the list has been really active, and I think that we
really have been trying to get back to everyone. Despite a lot of responses
from a lot of committers and contributors, there have been at least a fair
number of threads that received no response, or didn't lead to a resolution
of the issue for the user.

On github there are currently 80ish open pull requests, while some are
abandoned or replaced by other work, there are a number of instances of
good contributions that are waiting for review.

I don't have some magical prescription about how to solve this, but one
small change we could make would be revive this document [1] for
designating a primary list manager for each week. This role does not have
to be terribly burdening, or even require a committer to fulfill it. Many
of the questions on the list simply need to be marshalled into a JIRA with
enough info for a reproduction of the bug, or in other cases just require a
pointer to a doc page or existing JIRA on the thread to answer a question.

As far as the outstanding reviews are concerned, it might make sense for
the list manager to also try to make sure that contributions have an
assigned reviewer when they are posted.

Thoughts? Does it make sense to try to get something like this going, is
there something that made this effort fade away the last time we tried it
that we should change?

[1]  -

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