Oops, my bad.  I just noticed you did indicate that the query plan shows
usage of a hash agg.

-- Zelaine

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Zelaine Fong <zf...@maprtech.com> wrote:

> What does the explain plan show?  I.e., is the group by being done via a
> hash agg or a streaming agg?  If it's a streaming agg, then you still have
> to sort the entire data set before you reduce it down to a single group.
> That would explain the increase in memory as you add group by keys.
> -- Zelaine
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 5:50 PM, rahul challapalli <
> challapallira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to understand the memory usage patterns for hash aggregate.
>> The
>> below query completes in 9.163 seconds and uses 24 MB of memory for
>> hash-aggregate (according to profile)
>> select max(d.l_linenumber) from (select l_linenumber, 'asdf' c1, 'kfjhl'
>> c2, 'reyui' c3, 'khdfs' c4, 'vkhj' c5  from mem_heavy1) d group by d.c1,
>> d.c2, d.c3, d.c4, d.c5;
>> Adding one more constant column to the group by, the below query takes
>> 11.638 seconds and uses 29 MB of ram
>> select max(d.l_linenumber) from (select l_linenumber, 'asdf' c1, 'kfjhl'
>> c2, 'reyui' c3, 'khdfs' c4, 'vkhj' c5, 'bmkr' c6  from mem_heavy1) d group
>> by d.c1, d.c2, d.c3, d.c4, d.c5, d.c6;
>> The below query with one more constant column added to group by 14.622
>> seconds and uses 33 MB memory
>> select max(d.l_linenumber) from (select l_linenumber, 'asdf' c1, 'kfjhl'
>> c2, 'reyui' c3, 'khdfs' c4, 'vkhj' c5, 'bmkr' c6, 'ciuh' c7  from
>> mem_heavy1) d group by d.c1, d.c2, d.c3, d.c4, d.c5, d.c6, d.c7;
>> As you can see, there is only one disctinct group in all the above cases.
>> It looks like the memory usage is proportional to no of elements in the
>> group by clause. Is this expected?
>> Is the increase in time expected between the above queries? (As we did not
>> introduce any new groups)
>> - Rahul

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