Can someone help or point me to where I can maybe get some help?

I am trying to figure out why I am getting a ClassCastException when I do the 
following query.  If I change the "FROM" clause to just "FROM (VALUES(0))" it 
works just fine, but whenever I have "FROM" to an HBase table, I get the error. 
 I know that the HBase table is valid because if I remove the WHERE clause, the 
query does not throw an error.

SELECT b.`date` FROM (
  SELECT TO_DATE(CONCAT(a.`jArray`[0], '-', a.`jArray`[1], '-', a.`jArray`[2]), 
'yyyy-MM-dd') `date` FROM (
    SELECT CONVERT_FROM(REGEXP_REPLACE('["2016":"08":"03"]', ':', ','), 'JSON') 
    --FROM (VALUES(0))
    FROM `hbase`.`SomeValidTable`
  ) a
) b
WHERE b.`date` = '2016-08-03'

SYSTEM ERROR: ClassCastException: 
org.apache.drill.common.expression.FunctionCall cannot be cast to 

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