What is the project about? Why should I be interested in it?
[rhetorical questions]

The Announce emails are sent to people not on the developer or user lists.
Most will have no idea what the project is about.

So the e-mails should contain at least brief details of what the
product does, and some info on why the new release might be of
interest to them.

Readers should not have to click the link to find out the basic information
(although of course it is useful to have such links for further detail).

Please can you add that information to future announce mails?


On 29 November 2016 at 23:52, Sudheesh Katkam <sudhe...@apache.org> wrote:
> On behalf of the Apache Drill community, I am happy to announce the release
> of Apache Drill 1.9.0.
> For information about Apache Drill, and to get involved, visit the project
> website:
> https://drill.apache.org/
> This release introduces new features and enhancements, including
> asynchronous Parquet reader, Parquet filter pushdown, dynamic UDF support
> and HTTPD format plugin. In all, 70 issues have been resolved.
> The binary and source artifacts are available here:
> https://drill.apache.org/download/
> Review the release notes for a complete list of fixes and enhancements:
> https://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-1-9-0-release-notes/
> Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed to this release!
> - Sudheesh

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