Paul asked this and I'm posting here so someone who knows better can
correct me if I'm wrong ( This is from my notes when I was young)

DATE : Int64 : Milliseconds from Unix Epoch : 1/1/1970 00:00:00
TIME : Int32 : Milliseconds from midnight on 1/1/1970
TimeStampTZ : Int64 + Int32 : (Milliseconds from epoch + Index into list of
TimeStamp : Int64 : Milliseconds from epoch
Interval : Int32 + Int32 + Int32 : Month + Days + Milliseconds
Interval Day : Int32 + Int32 : Days + Milliseconds
Interval Year : Int32 : Month

A slightly readable version of these can be found in the C++ client :).
$drill_src/contrib/native/client/src/include/drill/recordbatch.hpp which
has a bunch of 'Holder' structs for the date-time types.



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