I have a small topic/question regarding "Jenkins builds" for drill-scm
project [1]
It started to fail due to the old Java version.
I'm interested in the possibility of updating the JDK version there.

1. https://builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/drill-scm/activity

Kind regards

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 2:29 PM, Pritesh Maker <pma...@mapr.com> wrote:

> We will have our bi-weekly hangout today Apr 3rd at 10 am PST.
> Please reply to this post with proposed topics to discuss.
> Hangout link:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__plus.
> google.com_hangouts_-5F_event_ci4rdiju8bv04a64efj5fedd0lc&d=DwIBaQ&c=
> cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=TLTWkiVI6X1oT5VN_HKSm5S-
> Jx1XaSbkgb7NaQVFX6A&s=eZDHSD7ZkSGgMrxqiXHHDG1norNoCE_Gd8NDImWyla4&e=

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