Lately Drill Travis Build fails more often because of Travis job time
The right way is to accelerate Drill execution :)

Nevertheless I believe we should consider excluding some more tests from
Travis Build.
We can add all TPCH tests (
TestTpchLimit0, TestTpchExplain, TestTpchPlanning, TestTpchExplain) to the
SlowTest category.

Is there other solution for this issue? What are other tests are executed
very slowly?

Kind regards

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 3:34 AM Aman Sinha <> wrote:

> We'll have the Drill hangout tomorrow Jun26th, 2018 at 10:00 PDT.
> If you have any topics to discuss, send a reply to this post or just join
> the hangout.
> ( Drill hangout link
> <> )

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