Hi there,


Hope you're doing good.


I need suggestion on performance issues which I'm facing in Apache Drill.


Apache Drill version - 1.12.0

DB - MongoDB




1.      For us, it took 9.530 seconds for 1 M records within Apache Drill.
2.      Hence, the response time to load page is >12 seconds which is NOT
acceptable SLA.
3.      Operators UNORDERED_RECEIVER and UNKNOWN_OPERATOR are taking more
time as per the report below.
4.      SQL Query - SELECT ProductName_V AS ProductName,
ROUND(SUM(UnitPrice_N),2) AS UnitPrice FROM XXXX.XXXX.Superstore_1M  GROUP
BY ProductName_V


Fragment Profiles


Operator Profiles


Kindly, help me to resolve this issues.


Revert back if you need more details.



D Natarajan





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