Hi Charles,

Latest master? Please file a JIRA with repo steps. I’ll take a look.

- Paul

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 24, 2019, at 11:38 AM, Charles Givre <cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Drill Devs,
> I'm noticing some strange behavior with the newest version of Drill.  If you 
> query a CSV file, you get the following metadata:
> SELECT * FROM dfs.test.`domains.csvh` LIMIT 1
> {
>  "queryId": "22eee85f-c02c-5878-9735-091d18788061",
>  "columns": [
>    "domain"
>  ],
>  "rows": [
>    {
>      "domain": "thedataist.com"
>    }
>  ],
>  "metadata": [
>    "VARCHAR(0, 0)",
>    "VARCHAR(0, 0)"
>  ],
>  "queryState": "COMPLETED",
>  "attemptedAutoLimit": 0
> }
> There are two issues here:
> 1.  VARCHAR now has precision 
> 2.  There are twice as many columns as there should be.
> Additionally, if you query a regular CSV, without the columns extracted, you 
> get the following:
> "rows": [
>    {
>      "columns": "[\"ACCT_NUM\",\"PRODUCT\",\"MONTH\",\"REVENUE\"]"
>    }
>  ],
>  "metadata": [
>    "VARCHAR(0, 0)",
>    "VARCHAR(0, 0)"
>  ],
> This is bizarre in that the data type is not being reported correctly, it 
> should be LIST or something like that, AND we're getting too many columns in 
> the metadata.  I'll submit a JIRA as well, but could someone please take a 
> look?
> Thanks,
> -- C

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