Hi Charles,

Thanks for raising this issue.

The short answer is probably "the cloud." The longer answer should include:

* Who will manage the AWS/GCE instances?

* Who will pay for the instances?

* The MapR infrastructure uses the MapR file system and Hadoop distro. Probably 
should use Hadoop (or EMR) for Apache. Who will do the port?

* The test framework itself is public in the MapR Github repo [1]. Perhaps it 
should migrate to the Apache Drill repo?

* The tests are run within MapR using a very nice Jenkins job that Abhishek 
created. How can we make this public and port it to the cloud?

We might look at what Impala did. Cloudera hosts a pubic build system: anyone 
can submit a build job (though the jobs are throttled, etc.)

- Paul

[1] https://github.com/mapr/drill-test-framework


    On Thursday, August 8, 2019, 09:49:42 AM PDT, Charles Givre 
<cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hello all, 
Now that MapR is officially part of HPE, I wanted to ask everyone their 
thoughts about how we can continue to release Drill without the MapR owned 
infrastructure.  Assuming that HPE is not likely to continue supporting Drill 
(or maybe they will, but I'm guessing not) what infrastructure does the 
community need to take over?
Can we start compiling a list and formulating a plan for this?
-- C  

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