Hi Charles,
Agree. I am reviewing a PR in which formatting was changed. Both the original 
and revised formatting are fine, and each is often seen in open source 
projects. But we really should settle on one style so we don't have each of us 
reformatting code to our favorite styles.

Drill does have documented standards, [1], but they are out of date with 
respect to the Checkstyle rules. The IntelliJ and Eclipse formatting templates 
are out of date with respect to the style preferred by some team members (and, 
it seems are inconsistent with the Checkstyle rules.) Not surprisingly, this 
inconsistency leads to a bit of chaos and uncertainty.

Code formatting is a hassle and the "right" style is always what any one person 
prefers. Still, might be worth while discussing and formalizing our current 
preferences so we can update the format templates to match.

Perhaps each of us can toss out ideas for either a) the preferred formatting 
not covered by Checkstyle, or b) where the format templates and Checkstyle 
rules conflict.

Would we prefer to do that here, or via a JIRA ticket?

- Paul

[1] http://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-contribution-guidelines/


    On Friday, August 16, 2019, 09:21:51 AM PDT, Charles Givre 
<cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hello all, 
I recently submitted a PR and after running the code formatter in IntelliJ, 
there still were a lot of formatting issues.  Personally, I don't really care 
what the conventions are that we uset, but is it possible to have the 
formatting template in IntelliJ match the Drill requirements?
-- C    

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