Hi Charles,

Your workaround sounds right. In general, unit tests should make as few 
assumptions as possible about the system under test; they should focus on the 
one part of the system they want to exercise. (There is a large body of testing 
theory behind this statement...)

In your case, it may be that the contrib project that contains your UDFs is not 
a dependency of the contrib project with your format plugin. Nor should it be.

We have a separate set of end-to-end tests which would be a great place to, 
say, make sure that all your UDFs work with all your format plugins. 
Unfortunately, these can't be run by developers; you'd need help from whoever 
currently owns the test framework.

- Paul


    On Friday, September 20, 2019, 09:50:54 AM PDT, Charles Givre 
<cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hey Paul, 
Thanks for your help.  I should have clarified that the work I'm doing is for 
an ESRI Shape File plugin which is in contrib.  The unit test in question calls 
a function which is in the contrib/udfs and I think you've pinpointed the 
issue.  Unfortunately, running the test with maven produced the same error.  I 
may just remove the unit test in question since the others pass, and this 
really doesn't have anything to do with the functionality of the code. 
-- C

> On Sep 20, 2019, at 12:40 PM, Paul Rogers <par0...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> I seem to recall fighting with something similar in the past. The problem is 
> not with your setup; it is with how Drill finds your (custom?) UDF on the 
> classpath.
> My memory is hazy; but I think it had to do with the way that Drill uses the 
> drill-override.conf file to extend class path scanning, and how it finds the 
> UDF code. I think I banged on it until it worked, but I don't recall what I 
> did.
> Maybe I do remember. I think that, to run your code in the IDE, you need to 
> add the source code directory to your class path. (Recall that Drill needs 
> access to both function source and compiled code.) I think I modified my IDE 
> debug launch command to always include the proper sources. I don't have that 
> config in front of me; I'll check it this weekend to see if I can find the 
> exact item you must add.
> A workaround may be to run the test using Maven [1], since the Maven configs 
> will do the needed magic:
> cd exec/java-exec
> mvn surefire:test -Dtest=YourTest
> The other possibility is that you have your UDF in the "contrib" project, 
> while you are running unit tests in the "exec" project. Exec does not depend 
> on contrib, so contrib code is not visible to unit tests in Exec. The same is 
> true, by the way, for the us of the JDBC driver, since that is in the Maven 
> project after exec.
> Thanks,
> - Paul
> [1] 
> https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/single-test.html
>    On Friday, September 20, 2019, 07:44:55 AM PDT, Charles Givre 
><cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:  
> Hello Drillers, 
> I'm encountering a strange error in a unit test.  The code is included below, 
> and it fails because when Drill attempts to execute the test, it cannot find 
> the function st_astext().  If I build Drill and execute the query in the CLI 
> it works, so I suspect there is some environment issue rather than a Drill 
> issue.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> @BeforeClass
> public static void setup() throws Exception {
>  startCluster(ClusterFixture.builder(dirTestWatcher));
>  DrillbitContext context = cluster.drillbit().getContext();
>  FileSystemConfig original = (FileSystemConfig) 
>  Map<String, FormatPluginConfig> newFormats = new 
>  newFormats.put("shp", new ShpFormatConfig());
>  FileSystemConfig pluginConfig = new 
>FileSystemConfig(original.getConnection(), original.getConfig(), 
>original.getWorkspaces(), newFormats);
>  pluginConfig.setEnabled(true);
>  context.getStorage().createOrUpdate("cp", pluginConfig, true);
> }
> ...
> @Test
> public void testShpQuery() throws Exception {
>  testBuilder()
>    .sqlQuery("select gid, srid, shapeType, name, st_astext(geom) as wkt "
>      + "from cp.`CA-cities.shp` where gid = 100")
>    .ordered()
>    .baselineColumns("gid", "srid", "shapeType", "name", "wkt")
>    .baselineValues(100, 4326, "Point", "Jenny Lind", "POINT (-120.8699371 
>    .build()
>    .run();
> }

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